How To Enjoy Your Favorite Movie Franchise Even More Image

How To Enjoy Your Favorite Movie Franchise Even More

By Chris Gore | July 10, 2019

Are you wondering how you can experience the movie magic without watching the movie on repeat? Find out our tips for enjoying the experience more here.

Everyone has their favorite movie and movie franchises are becoming even more popular with the rise of Marvel and other big budget movies. Many people simply go to see these movies when they come out in the cinema, but others like to experience everything that they can to do with that movie in order to have some fun.

Here, we are going to give you some tips on how you can enjoy your favorite movie franchise even more and get lost in its world. Keep reading to hear some of our ideas.

Go To Events

Depending on the kind of movie you like, you might find that there are special events for those who are also fans of the movie. For bigger franchises and superhero movies, for example, there are huge events like Comic Con which can allow you to dive into the world, dress up as your favorite character and meet other fans. Look out for events in your local area and make sure to go along.

Play The Games

Did you know that many of the biggest movies out there right now are being made into games? Not only can you play them on your favorite console, but you can also play them to make money on an online casino. There are slot games with your favorite characters, video games for the PlayStation and much more. Don’t miss out on playing the games and try out those which give you the chance to win some money!

Buy Props From The Movie

Another great way to enjoy your favorite movie franchise, even more, is to buy some props from the movie. Depending on the movie, the real props might be very expensive and hard to find but there is a chance that you can get your hands on some of the original props. You should also look at action figures from the movie and consider investing in some costumes. This will make your movie experience much more exciting and get you ready for the next installment.

Join The Conversation

Social media is a powerful tool and if you want to enjoy your favorite movie even more then you should consider using it to join the conversation with other fans. You will find plenty of people online who want to talk about this movie just as much as you and you might even make some new friends. On top of social media, you will also find websites and forums which you can use to join in on the chat and find out more about the movie franchise.


It is entirely possible to get the full experience when watching your favorite movie with so many new things being created by the people behind these movies. Make sure to try out the new games, buy the action figures and join in on the conversation to bring the entire universe to life. You will love it once you get started and the movies will never be the same.

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