Hey, filmmakers. Greetings and salutations from Hong Kong, China, and I welcome you to the 250th edition of Going Bionic. It’s fitting that my 250th article is coming to you from a continent other than North America, because my first one on May 18, 2010, was sent to you from Cannes, France. In fact, I’ve written articles during my travels to Germany, South Korea, England, Japan, Czech Republic and beyond. In all of my international journeys, I’ve focused on delivering you the most up-to-date information about the world of independent cinema, as it relates to international and domestic distribution.
Thus, in honor of our 250th column, today I’m showcasing some of my favorite articles that were written abroad. So, without further ado, here’s a glimpse into some of the internationally influential cinema hot spots places we’ve been since 2010.
Film Festivals – May 18, 2010 (Cannes, France)
This was our first edition of Going Bionic.
Territorial Insights – July 5, 2010 (Budapest, Hungary)
This article explains the various film sales territories, and their values, as they relate to selling your film abroad.
The Seoul of 3D – October 19, 2010 (Seoul, Korea)
This article keys in on the billions of dollars South Korea committed to 3D research, and how you may be able to get some of those dollars.
The Berlin Film Festival & You – February 22, 2011 (Berlin, Germany)
This article explains how the Berlin Film Festival relates to independent filmmakers.
FILMART in Hong Kong – March 22, 2011 (Hong Kong, China)
Asia’s key film sales market is vital to your film.
Banned in Cannes – May 24, 2011 (Cannes, France)
This article, (among other things) discusses how a prominent film was banned from the World’s most prestigious festival.
What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Sale – April 24, 2012 (Cannes, France)
This article is a must-read for any filmmaker who is ready to sell their motion picture abroad.
MIPCOM 2012 – October 16, 2012 (Cannes, France)
This article discusses trends emerging from one of the World’s premiere television sales markets.
The Incredibly Delicious Mauritius – February 12, 2013 (written in Berlin Germany, about Mauritius tax credits)
You have to check out these ridiculously good tax incentives.
Temperature at Berlin/EFM 2013 – February 19, 2013 (Berlin, Germany)
This article is an up-to-date look at buyers tastes in Berlin.
Indie Filmmaker, Meet China – March 19, 2013 – (Hong Kong, China)
This article focuses on how independent filmmakers can benefit from the rapid explosion of cinema in China.
The Beatles & the Epicenter of Your Creativity – May 14, 2013 – (Liverpool, England)
This article is meant to help you trigger your creative juices.
Greetings from Berlin – February 11, 2014 (Berlin, Germany)
This article analyzes the value of independent cinema at the European Film Market.
Discovering MIPTV Part 1 – March 25, 2014 (Cannes, France)
Like MIPCOM, MIPTV is a major TV sales market.
Going Bionic Turns 4! – May 18, 2014 – (Cannes, France)
This article is our fourth birthday party edition.
This year’s first international article is the one you’re reading right now, coming to you live from Hong Kong, China. I’m headed to Manila, Philippines and Singapore, before our next Going Bionic comes out, so rest assured you’ll get more international flavor next Tuesday.
Okay, filmmakers! That’s what I have for you today. I’d like to thank Mark Bell for providing me this amazingly cathartic platform nearly five years ago, and I hope to serve each and every one of you into the foreseeable future and beyond.
It’s my honor to say for the 250th time; “Thank you for lending me your eyes, and I look forward borrowing them again next Tuesday. Until then, I can be followed on Twitter @Lonelyseal.