Alternative Hobbies For Film Lovers Image

Alternative Hobbies For Film Lovers

By Film Threat Staff | June 18, 2021

For film lovers, there is nothing better than settling in to watch a film, whether you are watching a new release, a classic or even a comfort film that you have seen many times already. Watching films is obviously a favorite pastime for film lovers, but you can’t spend all day every day watching films and it is important to have other hobbies. So, what are a few good alternatives hobbies for those that love film? There are a handful of activities that many movie lovers tend to enjoy and could even help you to have a greater appreciation for film – read on to find out a few of the best alternatives hobbies for film lovers.

Creative Writing

Many people that have a passion for film often have thoughts about making their own movie, but of course, this is not something that is easily doable for most. Instead, a good alternative is simply creative writing that allows you to create your own worlds, characters and stories with ease – it can be an incredibly rewarding pursuit. Additionally, this is a hobby that you can easily get started with right now but there is also a lot to learn.

Start Your Own Film Blog

It is frustrating as someone that is passionate about film when you do not have others that you can talk to, but this will not be a problem by starting your own film blog. Starting your own film blog is a great way to keep track of what films you have seen, to share your opinion with the world and to engage with other film fans, so it can certainly be a fun hobby and one that will allow you to further immerse yourself in film.

Tennis Betting

Many people that love film also enjoy watching tennis because it can provide a similar thrill, especially once you get to know the different players and their personalities. You can take this excitement to the next level by betting online and you can find the tennis live odds online on all the upcoming matches. Placing a bet online is quick and easy and you can then watch the match live to see if your bet comes in.


Photography is another hobby that many movie lovers enjoy because it plays such an integral role in film. A beautifully shot film is a wonderful thing, so learning how to take great photos can be incredibly rewarding whether you are taking portraits or a landscape. Additionally, these days everyone has a decent camera in their smartphone and you can take photos no matter where you are. There is also a lot of helpful information that will help you to start taking better photos online too or you could look into courses. It’s also a hobby that you could turn into a side hustle or potentially even a career. There is a lot of demand for wedding photographers and producing a custom wedding album of someone’s special day requires a cinematic eye.

This post will hopefully give you a few ideas for hobbies to try as a film lover. You can’t beat watching a film, but you need to take a break from time to time and it is important that you have other activities that you can enjoy to fill this time with these all being good options.

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