Princess Halle And The Jester Image

Princess Halle And The Jester

By Bobby LePire | May 1, 2024

Creating orcs, goblins, dragons, and other fantastical beasts, be it practical or CGI, is not the cheapest of things. As such, it is always admirable, yet dicey, when watching an independently produced high fantasy film. Does writer-director Christopher Lombardi’s Princess Halle And The Jester overcome these obstacles to deliver a fun time?

Princess Halle (Emma Duchesneau) is not keen that her father, King Victor (Byron Herlong), is about to remarry, as her mom has passed away. The queen-to-be, Perscilla (Rachel Stacy), clearly does not care for the independent-minded princess, nor the numerous reminders of the late queen throughout the castle. On the day of the wedding, Halle keeps herself distracted by visiting Aunt Maggie (Sejal Mehta) and brushing up on her archery. The festivities themselves are going well until goblins storm the castle, kill the guards, and kidnap the king. Halle only survives thanks to Henri (Duncan Novak), the jester tapped with entertainment during the wedding.

Henri leads her to his place, where Halle lays low under a false name. Now, the princess must serve herself food, harvest the ripe vegetables, and learn how the poorer classes live. All the while, Halle and Henri try to devise a way to save King Victor and restore him to the throne. However, that’s easier said than done, as there’s a “tax” upon the land that threatens to tear apart the new friends before their adventure really gets underway. How did the goblins breach the castle walls? Will Princess Halle find King Victor and save the kingdom from ruin?

“…Halle and Henri try to devise a way to save King Victor and restore him to the throne.”

Princess Halle And The Jester has terrible computer-generated imagery. There’s little texture to the dragons, goblins, and giants, meaning they don’t look like they belong in the scene. On occasion, the actors are green-screened into the backgrounds, and that’s also dodgy, to say the least. The big goblin attack is only ho-hum as they and the knights defending the king are entirely CGI, meaning nothing looks real, so there are no stakes to be felt.

With that said, the film works overall. Lombardi’s skill in simplifying weighty topics such as grief, family bonds, love, and class disparity for the primary audience of pre-teens is commendable. He ensures these messages are digestible yet authentic, providing a reassuring balance for parents. The scene where Halle realizes the stark differences between her life and her subjects’ lives is a testament to this approach, offering a valuable lesson in a child-friendly manner.

Another part of the success of Princess Halle And The Jester is the cast. Duchesneau’s energetic and fun performance, especially her backtracking a “joke” over dinner, is a highlight. Novak’s action beats and his ability to sell the fantasy world are impressive. Stacy’s scene-chewing villainy adds an extra layer of excitement.

Princess Halle And The Jester is squarely aimed at children between 6 and 12 years old. Lombardi’s engaging narrative, despite the less-than-perfect effects, is a strong point. The cast is great, and the film’s high fantasy elements are sure to captivate young viewers. If you or your children enjoy high fantasy, this is definitely worth a watch.

Princess Halle And The Jester (2024)

Directed and Written: Christopher Lombardi

Starring: Emma Duchesneau, Duncan Novak, Rachel Stacy, Byron Herlong, Sejal Mehta, etc.

Movie score: 7.5/10

Princess Halle And The Jester Image

"…if you or your children enjoy high fantasy, this is definitely worth a watch."

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