Your Independent Movie Guide
By | April 2012
In this week’s strip, Monkey Man shows us the monkeys!
In this week's strip, Monkey Man shows us the monkeys! From the mind of Brian Lynch (Spike, Angel and Angry Naked Pat) and the pen of James Stayte. Having...
A botched suicide attempt leaves Denise (Abigail Wilson) a paraplegic, learning to deal with her new wheelchair-bound life in filmmaker Robert van...
Magic Kisa is a morbidly dark comedy about identical twins whose predilection for unsavory business spells their doom. When Vic gets out of jail, he visits...
Superheroes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In the case of Amir Masud's Affliction, said superhuman comes in the form of Sara (Abigail Culwell), a...
Between Two Thieves is a short tale of the demise of a relationship for a young couple. After a violent incident brings to a head the problems within the...
Rogue Cop School is a webseries about a unique police training program, wherein recruits are taught how to be the hero while shunning authority and acting...
The comedy film landscape in recent years has been littered with tales about the immature manchild. You know, the guy who still wants to act like he's in...
Peter Jin's Portrait of Leonore is a fantastical, semi-autobiographical journey of the filmmaker as he deals with the aftermath of his family's dysfunction...
Vodka 7 is a moody, dark contemplation of life's choices for the denizens of a small tavern. As Vance (Bill Purdy) and Leonard (Jonathan Levy) bicker at a...
I suppose that when a film is called “The Five Year Engagement,” one should expect a certain amount of foot-dragging in the narrative. Before we...