Set in the Netherlands, Ali Asgari’s short film, Over Mij, is the story of a young Fatima (Mayra Pitambersingh) who is rushed to the hospital by her father (Alan Yadegarian). He needs his daughter to be seen by a doctor…a female doctor immediately.
Finding an opening, one of the staff doctors (Winnie Augustus) agrees to see Fatima. Her father tells the doctor that she is about to be wed to an honored friend and she needs to take a virginity test. When her father leaves the room, Fatima confesses to the doctor that the results may not be favorable.
“Her father tells the doctor that…she needs to take a virginity test.”
Over Mij is a straightforward issues-based drama. The story brings awareness to a much bigger problem. In certain cultures (across the world), young girls are subjected to purity tests to maintain one’s standing in the family or one’s status in society, making wives a commodity.
In Over Mij, Ali Asgari masterfully sets up the situation, elevates the tension with the father’s presence, and puts us in the shoes of the doctor by asking the question what would you do? Tell the truth or lie? This compelling question makes Over Mij an important film to ponder.
"…what would you do? Tell the truth or lie?"