Everyone has someone in their life that they consider to be “their person.” It might be a parent, sibling, spouse, or someone else they have met by chance in their walk through life. Regardless of the specific relationship, that person is the world, and the thought of living without them is too painful to bear. What happens when you find your person, but you are already in a committed relationship?
You Are My Person tells the story of Chelsea (Michele Nordin) and Brent (David Sullivan), who are having an affair. Chelsea is in a relationship with a man who believes that their future is bright, and Brent has been married for some time but is considering divorce. The cheating couple contemplates what their lives will be like in the near future and must make life-altering decisions if they plan to be together.
You Are My Person is written and directed by Dan Dobi, and he touches on topics that might be considered incredibly taboo. He attacks the idea of two individuals cheating on their significant others but paints them in a respectful, humane light. Audiences must ask themselves if they can root for two people who put their needs before others they claim to care for. It is difficult to look past such transgressions, but Dobi is able to manipulate the story and characters in a fashion that opens the door to sympathize with Brent and Chelsea.
“The cheating couple contemplates what their lives will be like in the near future and must make life-altering decisions…”
It is a tall task, and I struggle to understand how he created a story that favors characters who are seemingly in the wrong. He brings to light some things that allow Brent and Chelsea’s situation to seem less ruthless and appalling than it did in the opening. Dobi also does a wonderful job of developing the leads in such a short amount of time. He provides context for the characters and their situations and allows them to grow from when audiences first meet them until You Are My Person ends.
Nordin and Sullivan play a large role in making audiences cave and accept the situation, and through their acting, bring the characters and their hardships to believable life. Every speck of emotion is clearly present on Nordin and Sullivan’s faces as they express love, disgust, and heartbreak. They provide audiences with an outlet for their grief, and, by the end, if you are not at least slightly choked up, I might question your humanity a bit. Emotions are thrown in the faces of the viewers, who are given no choice but to swallow the hardships that come with Chelsea and Brent’s relationship.
To this day, I remain skeptical about what is possible in a short film. I wonder if the writers, directors, and actors can develop a complete story and successfully bring it to a close in such a short amount of time. I often find myself surprisingly pleased with what takes place in short films. Dobi’s You Are My Person exceeds even the greatest of expectations and floors audiences with an impeccable script, wonderful characterizations, and beautifully heartbreaking acting.
I look forward to seeing what these three do next, and I can only hope that they find success in the future. Based on You Are My Person, I don’t see this being an issue.
You Are My Person can be viewed on its YouTube Channel.
"…does a wonderful job of developing the leads in such a short amount of time."
oh man! thanks so much for posting this and the awesome review! youuuuuu guys are the best! <3. @dandobi