If one day Dr. Seuss woke up and decided to make a very, very, very dark comedic short film, he would make something like, “Who Slew Simon Thaddeus Mulberry Pew”. Come to think of it, he would make exactly this movie. The characters, the dialog, and the banter are just that good.
I rarely use the word “very” three times in a row when I write reviews. It does come across a bit unprofessional. I apologize. But, I want you to keep in mind that Dr. Seuss was himself a rather twisted person at times. “Who Slew” goes way beyond that sort of perversity. Here, two young twins, Sammy and Tammy, are paid an unwelcome visit by their neighbor, the eponymous Simon Thaddeus Mulberry Pew. As the kids begin to play, the twins try to devise a way to get rid of Simon but keep his toys. Unfortunately, things go horribly wrong and an accident befalls Simon. Don’t worry, this is just the beginning and I haven’t given away too much of the story. But, if you can’t figure out from the title that Simon dies, then there’s really nothing I can do for you.
A great cast, all with solid performances, rounds out this fine short. Simultaneously hilarious and unsettling, “Who Slew” is the sort of movie that “South Park” fans will love but others will be disgusted by.
What do I need to bdo to get it