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By Rory L. Aronsky | July 14, 2003

After Clerks came out in 1994, it wasn’t very long that the slew of imitators came crawling out of the woodwork. They tried to have the snappy pop-culture soaked dialogue, brash quick-tongued characters and some with slackers just hanging out. Most of the time, the imitators failed miserably. Only one man could do what Kevin Smith did and that was Kevin Smith (though an indie film from Minnesota called Now Hiring did the trick to a certain extent).
Jeff Allen and his ultra-talented cronies have not so much imitated that 1994 treat, but have created the biggest, smartest, and sharpest salute that can be given to Clerks. In “Trooper Clerks”, we find Trooper Dante and Trooper Randall, as they discuss whether Mallrats or Chasing Amy had the better story. They soon find out that Dante is going to be transferred, much to his displeasure since he was the first convenience store trooper on the Death Star.
Darth Jay and Darth Bob hang out the store. Bob smokes as always while Jay boasts and brags that he’s going to go to Tatooine at night, get drunk, and kill some Jedi. Soon enough, the two worlds converge when Randall thinks of a way that Dante could keep his post at the Death Star if all involved were kept extra busy and security was beefed up. But for what reason? Ah, you’ll have to see it to find it, but I guarantee it’s going to garner some great laughs.
Also included in this highly amusing short is an appearance by a very different “Grizzly Adams” and of course a problem that a customer calls about – something about a watered-down Coke. It’s all in a day’s work for this group of characters and with an incredibly well written story, this should definitely continue as a series and obviously needs to if that “To Be Continued…” sign at the end is supposed to mean anything.

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