Mental illness isn’t something to laugh at. That is, unless, the mentally ill guy duct-tapes a telephone to his head and sets out into his neighborhood on a Top Secret mission armed with a plunger. Don (Stasio) is an obsessed gamer whose apartment is trashed to the point that the stench is reaching his upstairs neighbor Billy’s (Elam) apartment. When Billy shows up at Don’s door, requesting that he turn down his TV, it’s clear that not all is right with his neighbor. When he shows up the second time, the proof is undeniable. But instead of calling the police, Billy watches over his acquaintance as he moves through his town dodging lasers that aren’t there and blowing up buildings that aren’t really exploding.
Tilting at Skyscrapers was written and produced by Frank Stasio and directed by Benjamin Pitts. Together, they managed to create a debut effort that’s entertaining and a worthwhile comedy. The film has more heart than one might expect as the friendship between Don and Billy develops. And while it’s clear that there’s something definitely alarming about Don’s mental state, he doesn’t seem dangerous and Billy comes off looking like a great guy. The film shows a lot of promise for Stasio and Pitts.
Also, the score, produced by Michel Teoli, might be the best part of the film. The ending credit sequence lights up with great howling synths. And a scene where a security guard watches the gamer “plant his bomb” is accompanied by a fun, lounge-styled song. At points, when the narrative is moving a little too slow, Teoli’s score will keep you invested.
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