The first Pirromount Film Competition set out to find low-low-budget films with quality across the board in writing, acting, directing, sound, and more — after all, these elements should hardly suffer even if film funding is tight. And Competition mastermind Mark Pirro, who’s behind the b-movie classics “A Polish Vampire in Burbank” and “Nudist Colony of the Dead” among many others, got his wish. The submissions flowed in and expectations were more than met.
The second annual Competition will take place in [ May, 2001 ] and submissions in both short and feature categories are accepted until the deadline on [ April 20th, 2001 ] . The three highest rated films will then compete for the top award. The winning film in both categories will be posted on the [ the official Mark Pirro site ] , and the winning filmmakers will receive an award certificate and a director-autographed copy of Pirromount’s lowest-budgeted and most recent film, “Color-Blinded”. The submission form and all of the nitty-gritty details await you at [ Pirromount Productions. ]