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By Doug Brunell | March 20, 2003

“The Morning Guy” plays like a “Saturday Night Live” skit … only it’s funny. Its lead actor, Bill A. Jones, even comes across as a Phil Hartman clone, which is a plus in this reviewer’s book of celebrity comparisons. And though it clocks in at a mere five minutes, the film gets to ask an interesting question: What if you were married to a guy who woke up next to you every morning talking just like the morning guy on the radio? A sane woman would put a shotgun to the guy’s head while he sleeps, but Mrs. Morning Guy (Becky Meister) has a different solution to the problem.
In five minutes I got in a few laughs and was fairly impressed by Jones’ ability to keep droning on about nothing all that important while keeping my attention. I also suspect that Jones is actually a radio personality, which lends an air of surrealism to this project. All in all, this is a great way to spend five minutes, and it gave me a few new ideas on ways to annoy people. Now onto weather ….

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