“The Iron Man” is supposedly a loose biopic based on the life story of the inventor of a penis enlargement device.
You’d think a subject like that would lend itself to a raunchy indie laugh-fest. But you’d be wrong. “The Iron Man” is actually a not very funny hodgepodge of styles, tones, and misfired jokes that never coalesces into a coherent narrative film.
The film follows Tony (Nathan Bexton), a slacker with the uncanny ability to open and close factory-based businesses on a whim, as he navigates his way through…well, it’s really sort of a jumble of disconnected scenes that go nowhere. The characters aren’t likable and they make choices that follow no discernible logic. For instance, there’s a scene where Tony pays a visit to the Dalai Lama(!), proceeds to insult him, then…inexplicably earns his favor before flying home again. Why the Dalai Lama would take the time to see him, I have no idea. If this really happened…that’s another question altogether.
There’s not much to recommend in this film. The jokes aren’t funny, the characters are poorly developed and the story is hardly compelling. The real question here is how this movie ever got made in the first place…
p.s. The coda following the credits is mind-boggling…if you can make it that far.