After every report we make, we hope there will be a positive turn in the story of Forrest J. Ackerman on the horizon, but alas, the story just gets more grim and we the people can really do nothing else but grit our teeth and watch sci-fi/horror’s greatest fan and spokesperson get robbed of his prized possessions which he was always more than willing to show off to anyone that showed up at his door.
Last we reported, Forrest J. Ackerman was entangled in an ugly lawsuit with his former Famous Monsters of Filmland publisher, Ray Ferry. The legal fees continued to grow and Forry threatened to sell off his massive movie memorabilia collection in order to stay afloat.
Just recently, that threat became a sad reality. Forry has sold his former 18-room home, the Ackermansion, and last September, he stood by and watched as complete strangers swooped upon his lifelong collection of movie memorabilia, buying up everything this man has collected for the past 70 plus years. This depressing garage sale, a scenario not unlike a stranger approaching you at a grocery store and kidnapping your child right in front of you, was held to help Ackerman pay off his $200,000 in legal fees.
In the wake of this recent tragedy, Forry’s arch-nemesis has posted an online message, calling Ackerman’s museum of memorabilia a “collection of junk” and saying that, “He screwed me. He screwed you fans. Now, in the ultimate manifestation of self-righteous malice, he screwed himself.” Forry has posted his own comments, revealing that on November 7th, the California Court of Appeal affirmed his judgment against Ferry in its entirety, on all nine legal theories presented, and was awarded costs of appeal.
It seems like things may finally be looking up for Ackerman, but no matter what the court awards him, it won’t bring back his collection of movie memorabilia which, only a few months ago, he watched being carried out the front door of his former home piece by piece. The damage has been done; there’s nothing that can completely heal this gaping wound. We can only hope that Forry is as high in spirits as he appears to be.
Show your support for Forry at his Wide Webbed World.