Time to break out the guns and cocaine, because another party tape has arrived at the doorsteps of FT HQ and it just wouldn’t be any fun without either. “The Crazy Dave Tape 2” DVD is a rapid-fire collection of clips from various horror films, educational tapes, pornos and other random psychotronic brain peelers. You’ll see stuff from “The Garbage Pail Kids Movie”, “Mr. T’s Be Somebody”, “Rawhead Rex”, “Street Trash”, “Howard the Duck” and, yes, enough sick and twisted porn to massage that depraved ADD monkey on your back. Depending on what kind of person you are, and what kind of company you keep, “The Crazy Dave Tape 2” will either have your party guests glued to the screen or running for the front door. And if you email Crazy Dave – crazydavetape@yahoo.com – you may even wind up with a copy of your very own.