Let’s face it, Boy Scouts are just geeks in training. So, it’s no surprise that I was myself a scout at the age of eight. I didn’t last though as a scouting time conflict with Godzilla week on creature feature ended my scouting career. Not one badge. Ward Roberts, (no relation to Julia) the writer/director behind “The Boy Scout,” should be given an honorary badge for filmmaking from the Boy Scouts of America, if one even exists. This fast-paced, packed with laughs, ten-minute short is a showcase for Roberts’ talented filmmaking skills and reveals the promise of a long career. Aside from being the main man behind the camera, Roberts also plays the lead “Scout” — essentially an over-eager 25 year-old who dresses like he’s still in the sixth grade. The goofy expressions and contortions Roberts worms his body into truly make him into the human incarnation of Bugs Bunny. This is no hyperbole — just watch him in action and you will believe me! Like a human pretzel, he saves cats, old men and ladies, chases down villains, and climbs trees. All in the name of good deeds and the need to save the free world as we know it. A walkie talkie message reveals the free world is in danger and Roberts is on his way to the rescue. Joining up with a wiry-haired, bongo-playing scout compatriot, (played by “Fro” – yes, the name of the actor is “Fro”), the two seek to save one of their own who has been taken captive by a badass dominatrix with a taste for unnecessary violence. (Played with wanton sexuality by producer Christina Mauro wearing a boner-inducing black patent outfit.) The short climaxes in a no holds-barred fight scene complete with a blond pig-tailed, karate-trained, a*s-kicking seven year-old girl scout. Yeah, it’s violent and funny as hell. Nice!
“The Boy Scout” is the most hysterical short I have seen this year. Ward Roberts and his whole filmmaking team have hit the map of the indie film world and are quickly causing a quake.