BOOTLEG FILES 096: “The 13th Annual Grammy Awards” (a live 90-minute broadcast of good music and bad taste).
LAST SEEN: On March 16, 1971.
AMERICAN HOME VIDEO: None, though it did turn up on Japanese video.
REASON FOR DISAPPEARANCE: Award shows are never reissued for home video.
BOOTLEG OPPORTUNITIES: A private collector sells this title via the Net.
Get the bootleg in part two of THE BOOTLEG FILES: “THE 13TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS”>>>
RobGems.ca Wrote:
I’d prefer this piece of a dated relic over a recent episode with Kayne West acting like a jerkass anytime! It is strange to hear Andy Williams tell bawdy jokes, considering he was supposed to be TV’s Mr. Nice Guy at the time (maybe he was tired of that, and tried to be randy just for kicks at the patience of the censors?) The way things sound with Paul Simon’s hostility, he’s always had a reputation for being a brilliant songwriter, but a jerk around his close friends and family (ask his ex-wife Carrie Fisher for proof.) He was just pissed at Garfunkel, because the late Mike Nichols featured Art in the movie “Carnal Knowledge”, and left Simon’s role in the film on the cutting room floor. That was the real reason for their split. Bob Newhart is among the last of the still-living clean comedians in a crazy and foul-mouthed world when even a filthy-minded Bill Cosby can’t be trusted anymore, so having Zsa Zsa tell a dirty joke around him seems embarrassing. (and to think, Mr. Newhart would later play a role as an animated mouse named Bernard opposite Zsa Zsa’s sister, Eva in “The Rescuers” six years later!) As for Lynn Anderson’s chin brace, I would prefer a ten gallon hat snuggled onto her lovely mane rather than whatever the hell a Chin brace is. She wore one (a Stetson, not a chin brace on Lawrence Welk’s TV show, so why not on this special?) A dated piece of work, but fun, neverless.