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Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society is again collaborating with the Vancouver International Comedy Festival to bring Vancouver audiences the best in Canadian comedy films at the 14th Annual Vancouver International Comedy Festival, which runs from July 20th throughn the 30th, 2000.
They invite filmmakers to send in VHS copies of Canadian films/videos that are less than 20 minutes in length. The films can be on any subject, in any genre (drama, animation or documentary)-as long as they are FUNNY! There will be two different programs of comedy films: one is the “all ages” show, and the other is the late-night, adults-only X-rated event. If your film is selected, an artist’s fee will be cheerfully paid for all screenings.
[ Deadline for submissions: ASAP! Send your film today! ]
[ Please send VHS preview tapes to: ^ Caroline Coutts ^ Cineworks Programming Coordinator ^ #300-1131 Howe Street ^ Vancouver, BC, Canada V6Z 2L7 ^ Phone: 604.685.3841 ^ Or email: Cineworks@radiant.net ^ ]
The Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society can be found at [ www.cineworks.bc.ca ]