Yeah, I’m addicted to Hipstamatic just like everyone else. Stop judging me!
The first day at SXSW was a fun one. The flight from Philly to Houston was relatively uneventful (save for some sleeping, snoring and obnoxious drooling), and the flight from Houston was even less exciting. After picking up our badges, Edward Stencel and I wandered to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch, then made our way to the Cedar Door for some socializing and drinking. Much movie talk was had; much alcohol consumed by our crew. Around Beer #9, we threw in the towel and made our way to Champions sports bar to watch some basketball and eat dinner. Now, back at the hotel ready to pass out. Sure, nothing too SXSW Film to be had today, but the fest officially opens tomorrow and from there my schedule goes from “eat and drink” to “eat, drink and watch movies.”
Just remember…you pay them to LEAVE.
You’re so arty….and so p***y for being back in the room this early!