Colleen Haskell, the resident cool/cute girl on CBS’ now-infamous and hugely popular “Survivor,” has won something better than an Immunity Challenge or a night of island BBQ and beer — her first starring movie role. Colleen, who is the first of the “Survivor” brood to have done so, has signed on to star opposite Rob Schneider in Columbia Pictures’ new comedy “Animal”.
The film casts Colleen as the love interest of Schneider: a man who suffers through a terrible car accident and is put back together, by a deranged scientist, with animal parts. Colleen will play Rianna, the object of Scneider’s manly/animal desire. Seeing as she has already experienced the primal fury of Naked Rich and withstood a month of various island creatures, she should have no problem with the role’s demands.
“Animal” begins filming in mid-October in Los Angeles, and should hit theaters on [ June 22nd, 2001. ] Colleen, now 24, is an advertising student at Miami Ad School. For details, go to [ the Sony website. ] Or, for a fresh dose of “Survivor” news, see the official [ “Survivor” website. ]
Colleen was my favourite island babe that I would like to be stranded with.
I noticed when she got home and went back into civies I didn’t find her anywhere near as attractive as her ‘au natural’ stint on the island. Island life suited her well