Every once in a while we get a strange, slightly dirty film sent to the Film Threat headquarters (like the one that shows what happened to the real Olsen Twins). This is one of those times. “Stupid Girls Gone Wild” is aimed at the very people who think the “Girls With Low Self Esteem” video series that’s pushed on “Arrested Development” is not only funny but true.
The producer of this film, who wisely wishes to remain anonymous, spliced footage (mostly from Mardi Gras) of women baring their breasts to the tune of Garbage’s “Stupid Girl.” It’s a funny mix that really hammers the point home. (Of course, I find the men who sit there and snap pictures and pose next to the nipples to be just as stupid, but that’s just me.) The only question not answered is how much alcohol does it take to get these ladies to the point where they’ll flash any jackass with a camera?
“Stupid Girls Gone Wild” lives up to its name. It’s not erotic. It’s not entertainment. It’s art. Some may say it’s mean spirited, and in a way it is. But that’s the beauty of it. The director’s not going out of his or her way to pick on the subjects, though. These ladies have put themselves out there and have left the door open to just this very thing. I’d like to see a “Guys Who Love Stupid Girls Gone Wild” video next, but I don’t think there’s a song that fits.
This nameless producer will join the ranks of the Evolution Control
Committee, Negativland and others who take existing material and mold it into something new. Hats off to the maker of this. Let’s see more.