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By Film Threat Staff | August 14, 2000 is an animation haven where the shows (4 series up now) run the gamut of genres, from wiggy cartoons and games to soon-to-be-released exciting and occasionally sexy action-adventures…and who doesn’t like a sexy action-adventure?
Staff for Stickyflicks have an impressive pedigree, including stints with “Beavis and Butthead,” “Ren and Stimpy,” and “Cow and Chicken” to name but a few alumni. What sets this animation site apart is the in-house aspect–all flicks are created by writers and animators who are sheltered and nurtured under one Stickyflicks roof. And while the content is always interesting, and often tasteless, it never crosses the line into mean-spirited. How nice.
And if quality cartooning is what you’re after, then it should wet your chops to know that Stickyflicks uses traditional animation techniques and then converts to Flash for compression, instead of Flash-ing everything from the start as many animation sites do…which is sort of un-purist.
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