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By Film Threat Staff | April 20, 2001

The Arcade Playhouse in Culver City is doing you a big favor. On [ Sunday, April 29th at 7:00PM ] the theatre will host a [ free ] screening of “Starwoids” — the recent Nodance Grand Jury Prize winner for Best Documentary.
Bring a friend or a fellow fan, but be sure to RSVP as soon as you can, because seating is very limited. Get ahold of and send along:
1. Your name. ^ 2. Your E-mail ^ 3. How many attending (Limit 2) ^ 4. Phone number in case we need to contact you.
And take not: times and place may change at any time. There are no guarantees to the screening. For more on the doc, take a trip over to the “Starwoids” home base.

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