Now that we have the Force.net’s attention (Thanks a bunch “Fuuufuu”), we thought we’d run this email that landed in our box not long ago. We have no idea who this guy is and it smells like bullshit to us, but it’s damn funny anyways. So here you go – the email in its unedited form.
I got this from my classmate a month ago. If you don’t reply then I have to assume it’s one of 3 things: you lost the message, you found out from somewhere else it’s a hoax or you worry about a lawsuit from Lucas. Is this for real?
I got this from my classmate a month ago. If you don’t reply then I have to assume it’s one of 3 things: you lost the message, you found out from somewhere else it’s a hoax or you worry about a lawsuit from Lucas. Is this for real?
Hello there! How are you guys doing? Hope you’re all in the best of conditions!
I have a friend who works for Lucasfilms, Ltd. and he was able to make puslit a document labeled “TOP SECRET” from the desk of Rick McCallum, George Lucas’ right-hand screenplay writer. It turned out to be the script for the up-and-coming third installment of the Star Wars prequel. This guy painstakingly wrote a synopsis based on the script.
Although the script is still a draft, it will be used as the basis for the movie, which is currently being filmed in Tunisia.
I am sharing this very tightly-guarded information for your consumption. Hey, what are friends for? Favor lang… I hope this remains a secret among us girls (heh, heh, heh)…
Best regards,
P.S.: To those who want to enjoy the movie by being in a state of ignorant bliss, DON’T READ THIS!
Whoah! XXX swiped the script for “Episode III”. What a secret agent!
Get this (ahem) TOP SECRET information in part two of SPECIAL DELIVERY: “EPISODE III” STORY REVEALED>>>