“Sound and Fury” is a documentary film that takes viwers inside the world of the deaf to “witness a painful family struggle over a controversial medical technology called the cochlear implant.” The docu-feature examines both sides of the implant debate, and the viewpoints of those who celebrate it as a possible cure for a debilitating disease, and others who feel the device will destroy the unique language and way of life of the deaf.
“Sound and Fury” has seen screen time with Sundance, the Philadelphia Film Festival, and the Seattle International Film Festival among many others, but it will make a theatrical debut in Los Angeles on [ November 17th, 2000 ] at at the [ Laemmle Music Hall ] at [ 9036 Wilshire Blvd. ] For ticket information, call [ (310) 274-6869 ] . For more on the film, see the [ Next Wave Films site. ]