We’re fascinated by twins. Even with the increasing number of women giving birth to entire litters of kids, the thought of two human beings who so closely resemble each other is a fascinating — and somewhat unnerving — prospect. “Someone Like Me” tells the story of Margaret and Mary, two stunningly attractive twins who share everything including rocky dating histories. For Craig and Finn, their current boyfriends, the nearly impossible challenge is to grow as close and establish as deep a bond with their respective girlfriends as the women share with each other. It’s an intriguing theme, but it’s not nearly enough on which to hang an entire feature. An intermittent series of 3-5 minute monologues, shot with a locked off camera, takes up much of the film. While these interviews add a quasi-documentary feel, the same uninterrupted 2-shot approach is far less effective during the sparse collection of tedious and overly long scenes which make up the rest of the film. Stumbling for words is okay when it looks like you’re giving an interview. It’s far more unprofessional when it appears as if you’re ad-libbing dialogue for an actual scene.
On top of that, very little happens in “Someone Like Me.” The one attempt at a plot point comes when Margaret and Mary agree to switch partners to see if the guys can tell the difference. This doesn’t even happen until thirty minutes into the film and even then, it’s a plot point that’s scarcely followed up. “Someone Like Me,” with its barren proscenium shooting style, would probably work far better as a play. Indeed, there are literally nearly as many directors listed as shots in this entire well-intentioned, but ultimately misfiring effort.