A cute little stuffed bunny, which reminded me of that annoying talking teddy bear in those Bounce commercials, sets out to cross a lonely country blacktop. Too bad for him, an inbred redneck (Jay Sebben), drunk on one too many Hamms beers, is barreling down that very same road in his pick-up. One unexpected bump in the road later, and the cute little rabbit is rural road kill. Though traumatized, our redneck friend can’t even begin to fathom the fate in store for him when the rabbit rises from the dead. Now huge and grinning evilly like that gigantic reanimated marshmellow monster in “Ghostbusters,” the man in a bunny suit, er, killer rabbit looms in to exact his revenge.
Five minutes is an awfully long time to spend on what’s essentially a one gag film, but that’s a minor quibble. With solid photography punctuated by a few snappy, well-placed high speed sequences, Thomas J. Gary’s “Skid” is one quirky and amusing little film.