Films making fun of the entertainment biz are as old as “Sunset Boulevard” or as recent as “Sugar Town”. But what they all have in common is filmmakers who have a burning desire to lampoon the very idea of celebrity and the people who participate in the process.
In “Sexy Space Sirens From Siberon” a spaceship lands in Los Angeles (where, of course, no one takes any notice) and two nubile creatures emerge (Johari Johnson and Michæl Ann Young) looking for a ride. As luck would have it, a greasy, pudgy slob picks up the two unearthly gals and starts right in with a pathetic rap about knowing Don Cornelius from “Soul Train”. Far from being impressed, the ladies are more fascinated by an empty water bottle in the backseat.
From these inauspicious beginnings we find that the girls are now pop-singing superstars schmoozing with industry scumbags and filling arenas with fans who find they aren’t ready for the aliens’ atonal shrieking.
“Sexy Space Sirens…” definitely provides a different slant on the superficiality of the Hollywood star machine, but ultimately ends up being pretty pedestrian.