The documentary feature film RUNNING DRY premiered in Beijing, China to celebrate World Water Day, hosted by Mr. Jia Feng, deputy director of Center for Environment Education and Communication (CEEC) on March 22nd. The screening and reception took place at the Auditorium of Sino-Japan Friendship Environmental Protection Center. Writer, producer, and director of RUNNING DRY James Thebaut, President of the Chronicles Group, introduced the film. Leaders and officials from SEPA, the American Embassy in China and journalists from international media were also present to give forwarding comments.
RUNNING DRY is a compelling documentary that issues an urgent call to save millions of people around the world imperiled by the lack of access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. The project was inspired by former Senator Paul Simon’s powerful book, Tapped Out. James Thebaut had been developing the project in association with Simon until his recent death.
Award-winning actress Jane Seymour narrates as the film’s camera takes you on a journey that explores the impending severity of the global water crisis throughout specific regions in southern Asia, Northern China, the Middle East, Africa and the American Southwest. Various experts and world leaders are interviewed throughout the documentary stating their own concerns not only in their own regions but also throughout the world.
Everyday an average of 9,500 children die because of the lack of water or, more frequently, because of disease caused by polluted water. RUNNING DRY educates and reinforces the widespread message of how precious water is on a global level while also presenting a variety of solutions that are available to solve the crisis. The RUNNING DRY project is designed to be a comprehensive public information education project concerning the evolving water crisis.