Prelude2Cinema, a digital movie company in Cleveland, Ohio has begun production on a pilot for their television series “Out of Darkness.” The one-hour drama is about a Latina homicide detective who can’t sleep because when she does, a dark force takes over her body and forces her to go out and devour criminals. The show is being shot digitally using the award winning Canon XL1.
Starring Lorraine Rodriguez as the criminal eating cop, “Out of Darkness” is produced by Prelude2Cinema and Los Angeles producer Pamela Staton, but they are looking for businesses and individuals to sponsor the rest of the first 13 episodes. Like “The Sopranos,” “Out of Darkness” will include products within the show from its’ sponsors. Prelude2Cinema is also seeking interns to work on the series.
For more info, check out the Prelude2Cinema website.