Well here it FINALLY is folks: Click right here and you’ll be whisked away to the review for INLAND EMPIRE. And it’s about flippin’ time. I’m all Lynched out. I’m done, fini, over. No more rabbits and gangsters and dreams and Emerald Cities.
As much as I admire the man, I think a month and a half of semi-constant Lynch is enough. I may shortly return with a blog about the new Twin Peaks box set, but I’ll keep it brief. That’s a promise.
Now, before I bring this ride to a complete stop; I’ll just quickly mention that, as an afterthought, I watched the second DVD in the Inland Empire 2 disc set (Which I hadn’t even looked at yet because I wanted to know nothing about the film) and saw that among the extras was a recipe for Quinoa. You have no idea how delighted I was at this. The reason I wrote those recipes for Coffee and Cherry Pie on the blog in the first place is because the precision and attention to detail of a recipe seemed like such a Lynch thing to do, and VOILA, my suspicions were confirmed. It was a genuine surprise to see that. I know it might seem like I’d watched the extras first and then did my own recipes to copy what Lynch did, but no, I had no idea this was even on there.
Even if you don’t think you’d like Empire, but are still a Lynch fan, the extras alone are completely worth the price of the DVD because of a documentary/segment called “Lynch 2” which shows David working on set, arguing with actors, getting pissed when things don’t quite work right, being a normal strong willed director, and… SWEARING. I couldn’t believe my ears the first time I heard Lynch say “F**k”. Until I saw that doc I had always envisioned Lynch as a kind of Bizarro Jimmy Stewart. But, what most impressed me is seeing how fairly regular and human and likeable Lynch is. Yeah, he’s got quirks, but they’re not half as profound as you’d expect them to be. For the most part he’s just an ordinary, if a bit obsessive, guy.
Other segments, like the Quinoa recipe thing which shows Lynch making dinner and telling a story about going to Yugoslavia in 1965, do show him as you more or less would expect him to be; but that’s all kinds of awesome in it’s own right as well.
So I hope you all enjoy the review and feel it was worth it. My only wish is that I don’t dissapoint. Thanks for reading!
I just watched the LYNCH documentary that’s making the festival rounds and it has alot of the type of stuff you mentioned in LYNCH2. It’s an incredible doc….Lynch would make the GREATEST reality TV show candidate ever.
Also-I finally rented and watched EL TOPO last night. I dozed off for a few secs in it and it made it all the more surreal. I think we have a new assignment for your sleep reviews….
Few of us will forget the saga of the Inland Empire Review.