I used to be so afraid of those gray kind of aliens when I was a kid that my Grandfather used to tape Dennis The Menace cartoons over the “artist conceptions” in the National Enquirers he would buy me. I had some people tell me that might have been a symptom of being abducted. I really liked that idea.
“Non-Abductees Anonymous” is a wacky mockumentary short about people who really like the idea of being abducted by aliens, but can’t seem to make it happen. We follow a support group as they go through the trials and tribulations of a 12 step program to accepting they are powerless against not being abducted by aliens. These people work as a group to prove that yes, they are worthy of being probed. Wild fun, well made… dictionary definition of the word “hoot.” 4 minutes of grade-a goofy.
As for myself? Ends up my mom had been frightened by a Gentle Ben-era Clint Howard when she was pregnant with me. And I thought I cried during “Apollo 13” because it was heartwarming.