A film like this one consists of a single joke. But in order to tell you anything about the film, I have to ruin for you.
So this is your last chance – if you don’t want to know pretty much everything about the film, turn away now.
This film takes the sexuality of the human body and inverts it. So rather than having everything from the neck down covered, everything from the neck up is covered.
Got that? To not have your face covered in this society is obscene.
Then the film runs with the premise, in a series of gags that are mostly unrelated to one another.
A bride carries his groom into the bedroom – “Tonight, we kiss,” he declares.
A bunch of kids look at Playface Magazine while one of them fondles his nose.
A cop slaps a fig leaf over the face of a nude statue.
Are you laughing, yet?
If you are, you’re one up on me.
I suppose the film has a point. We, as a society, have sexualized the human body, making parts of it “obscene,” an arbitrary thing that other cultures have opted to forego.
Is this sexualizing of the human body sort of silly? Sure. But I didn’t need a four-minute, fairly dull film to tell me as much.