“Nietzsche” is entirely dependant on how much you can handle listening to a flurry of talk about God being dead and many other philosophical tidbits. We center on two co-workers in what appears to be a break lounge, judging from the photos tacked on a bulletin board with names written below each snapshot. It all begins with Ezekiel (Andrew Isaac), who speaks the words, “God is dead” and asks Samuel (Jared Marshall), “Who said that?” Samuel expresses confusion and complains a bit about the question being vague and it’s not long before Ezekiel explains who Nietzsche was and in turn, we the audience learn much about him too, thanks to a well-written script by Isaac in that respect. The dialogue about Nietzsche seems to flow in such a way that indicates Isaac may very well have a passion for Nietzsche that probably dates further back than this short.
The conversation keeps rolling on about Nietzsche and arguments are thrown back and forth. There are also many good points discussed, with the ending being a bit of a surprise because I thought that the denouement would have happened sooner than I originally thought, about 2 minutes before the actual ending. However, the ending does fit nicely with Ezekiel’s last spoken thought.
If you’ve got a major jones for Nietzsche or any kind of philosophy, or if you’re looking for a strictly dialogue-laden short, try this one out.