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By Chris Gore | December 13, 2001

This film has not yet been reviewed. Check back later for the complete review here on Synopsis: NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE – Berlin 1982. 17-year-old Nele was born and raised in West Berlin, with the ever-present Wall. The other side looked grey and empty until the day when she first crossed through the Iron Curtain and met the young Punk, Captain. A fleeting moment, an exchange of glances – for Nele it’s love at first sight. Captain is an East Berliner, a man from another world, yet when this girl from the West meets the rebel from the East, they both know this is it.
But the divided city has no place for the young lovers, who find themselves united against the world on both sides. Captain’s father can’t accept her, his gang doesn’t trust her, and Nele’s best friend is jealous of their love. But the real danger comes from the Stasi (Secret Service), who see Captain and his band as a subversive element. After a raid, Nele is expelled from East Germany, with no hope of ever seeing Captain again. But when she learns of his arrest, she desperately seeks a way to slip back into the East and rescue her great love.

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