Fresh-from-the-womb Mayhem Magazine has recently made a fists-flying leap into online life, and we couldn’t be happier. The site, an offshoot of a popular radio program, is a lean and muscled beast nourished by the stuff that matters — Movie Reviews that get to the point, with style, and don’t back down or cheese out, plus Polls with tongue placed in cheek region, News, and a Message Board that’s in-the-know (recent topic: Napster).
You know how some sites make up for a lack of good content by boasting about their beefy Links section? That’s usually so a hodge-podge sham of a site can divert your attention before you realize how little they have to offer. Not the case with the clan of Mayhem, who loves you enough to give great link. Yes, they do hook up to Film Threat, which shows a bounty of class and smarts on their end, but other must-vist sites include Timmy Big Hands and Darwin’s Waiting Room, among others.
They’re new, but they’re strong, and you can help them be even more wiley. Get up and go to [ Mayhem Magazine. ]