Everyone knows a Trekkie or two and has probably at least heard of the infamous conventions where the rabid swap tales of Klingons and script flubs. And unless you were away from the planet for the last 20 years or so, you’d know that “Star Wars” followers are about as loyal as they come.
But what do you know about “Max” fans?
Since the initial theatrical release in 1979, “Mad Max” and its sequels, “Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior” and “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,” have garnered more than a cult following in the sci-fi kingdom — they’re routinely cited as some of the best “future as a wasteland” movies of our time, to say nothing of what they did for the budding career of a then-fresh-faced Aussie named Mel Gibson…
Now, Fatal Impact productions and director Aaron Stevenson reveal the passion of the true “Max” fan in “Welcome to Wherever You Are,” a documentary that follows a roguish band of followers as they make their pilgrimage across the Australian continent: from Melbourne to Broken Hill to Sydney to Bathurst. The end of the epic journey finds the crew, and their hand-crafted Interceptor vessel, atop the infamous Mt. Panorama, where 3 solid days of debauchery and vehicular destruction ensue.
Says director Stevenson:
“Whilst on this exploration we came across many local identities who all had their Mad Max stories to tell. ‘I had a few beers with Mel once you know….’ And so unfolds the first of many different first-hand accounts for what was become a global appreciation of the ‘Mad Max’ mythology.”
“Welcome to Wherever You Are” has just wrapped production…for more on this breaking film and the mythology of “Mad Max”, begin the journey at [ the “Welcome to Wherever You Are” website. ]