Matthew Ehlers is a sick sumbitch and for that, we can be eternally grateful. With this and “Autobank”, it seems that Ehlers takes great pleasure in making crazy situations happen in the most sterile of places. In this case, it’s what appears to be a corporate cafeteria where workers drone in and out of their lunch break, the remnants of their various meals gliding along on a conveyor belt.
A fat guy (T.J. Zale) and a woman (Maria Sanguedolce) sit one sit away from each other, the guy obviously into his sandwich. That doesn’t continue for long once a normal looking, white-collar worker (Michael Koldan) drops in between them, plopping down a large brown paper bag and sitting down. And out come the contents of that bag: One pair of edible underwear, a can of a whip-cream like substance called “Sexy Creamy” and “Body Butter”. As he enjoys his lunch, complete with orgasmic sound effects, his two lunchmates look on either in surprise and frustration, or utter disgust and fright. After that course is completed, it’s on to two chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting and a cherry on top of each of them, both of which end up on his tits, and which he devours with great relish. It’s only until he rips off his white button-down shirt that we get the reason that he’s done all this. It only goes to show you that work sucks.
Ehlers definitely has something going on here, the likes of which many people would touch, if they had a mind whirring as crazily as his. This is good viewin’!
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