And here I thought I was in store for some kinda Skinemax flick. It certainly looks and sounds like one and the set-up is prime, but after 20 minutes in I realized I was in store for something a little meatier. Though erotic at times, this isn’t even close to being Skinemax material. Guess I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
We meet the attractive Lillian at a time in her life when she’s at odds with how she’s supporting herself. Lillian is a prostitute and she keeps one regular, a wealthy businessman with a penchant for prancing around in women’s panties, so as to keep things nice and neat. She meets this guy once or twice a week, she supplies him with cocaine if need be, they do their thing and he hands her an envelope filled with cash, enough to afford her a flashy sports car and a nice, spacious home.
Lillian’s regular decides to take a two week vacation out of town, leaving her with plenty of time on her hands to find…Luke. While out drinking at a bar with her roommate, Lillian meets Luke, a good looking, mysterious writer who winds up easing his way into her life and winning her heart. Now in love, and with her regular coming back into town early, Lillian has to figure out just what it is she wants to do with her life.
“Looking Through Lillian” moves at a smooth and steady pace, so much so that it’s hypnotic. The characters and performances in this film are also very calm, providing a soothing experience. S**t, I guess you can say that this is actually one of the most relaxing films I’ve seen in a long time, even if it isn’t one of the most original. The outcome of this film is plain to see, but you’ll be too busy enjoying the cinematic massage to really care.