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By Ron Wells | November 10, 2000

With all of the turds that have been stinking up the multiplex as of late, going to the movies has been almost as painful as visiting my family. What the hell happened to my holy place of sanctuary? Who will bring that old sense of joy? Who is still capable of delivering pure mindless entertainment? I guess my only hope lies with… ADAM SANDLER.
The story is all about Satan (Harvey Keitel, somewhat typecast). He took over as lord of the underwold 10,000 years ago from his father (Rodney Dangerfield). When he decides to extend his reign another 10 millennia, it doesn’t sit well with the ambitions of his smart, devious son, Adrian (Rhys Ifans) or his fierce, mental son, Cassius (Tom ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr.). These two decide to set up their own kingdom on Earth, which initiates a sequence of events that close the gates of Hell to new souls and could eventually lead to Satan’s death. The only hope for Hell and Earth is to send Satan’s youngest and stupidest son, Nicky (Sandler) to force his brothers back home. His only help are a pair of equally stupid metal-heads, an effeminate roommate, and a perpetually hungover talking satanic bulldog. Evil hijinx, Popeye’s fried chicken, the Harlem Globetrotters, and the creepiest Clint Howard cameo EVER ensue.
Now, if you’re not the kind of person who likes Adam Sandler movies, you can always go see “The Legend of Baggy Pants” or whatever the hell that mystical caddy horse-s**t is called. “Little Nicky” is about FUN. Adam looks like he’s having a big party. As the film includes half the people who ever worked with him on Saturday Night Live, or worked on his other movies, or got him drunk in college, that’s probably just what happened. No, it’s not a masterpiece, nor is it meant to be. For those of us greatly amused by the little rascal, this is a definite four-star movie. Five, if you’re stoned.

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