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By Film Threat Staff | September 5, 2002

Alvin Ecarma’s “Lethal Force” has been successfully blazing a trail through the festival circuit over the past year, but a small bump has just risen in the road. Seems that another film called “Lethal Force”, a cheesy action flick that Ecarma’s film parodies, is heading straight to video in December. Alvin had this to say –
“Our film is copyrighted, however the title was never trademarked and even then it would not have been immune to use. This is going to create a lot of confusion. Fair’s fair, I guess.” However, Ecarma did say this “If they do try to pass my publicity as their own, I will take vigorous and thorough legal action.”
As far as we’re concerned, the REAL “Lethal Force” can be found here.

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