LapDance is more of a party than a festival, and is a much-needed relief from the agents, cell phones, the desperate actors, the irritating dealmakers and all the “serious” film talk. LapDance invaded Park City for the third straight year to stamp out pretentiousness and they more than did their job in 2001. Armed with a stack of comedic short films and features along with a busload of strippers, (including adult film actress Sky) this two-day event was scaled down compared to previous years. For one thing, it took place on Main Street at Club Creation, the smallest LapDance venue to date, and if you didn’t have one of the 600 laminates, then you weren’t getting in. CRAPtv president Jason McHugh is the curator and mastermind behind the twisted show. With fewer corporate sponsors this year, LapDance was forced to make partygoers become individual “festival sponsors” paying either $75 or $100. A “Pimp” pass cost a whopping $1,000 and gained the owner not only a treasured feather boa, but special privileges including sitting in the special pimp chair, access to the front of every line, a lot of free stuff from sponsors, and an all-access pass to the LapDance party. They sold over 300 sponsorships to people eager to party and see bands like Vinyl, Banyan, Galactic, and DJs Ezra and Alien Tom along with the expected sexy dancers. Not surprisingly, the scantily-clad dancers weren’t the only thing that caused trouble for LapDance, this year the films got them in hot water. Utah has countless operational restrictions when alcohol is being served including State Code 32A-7-106 (3g) which (among other things) deems it illegal to show a film containing simulated sexual acts or breasts being touched because it is “considered contrary to the public welfare and morals.” Damn the state of Utah! ^ The titles of the films alone should tell you that this ain’t no Sundance. From “How to Get A Head at Sundance” to “2001: A Disgrace Odyssey” to “Master Penis Theater,” the LapDance line-up might have played better at a triple XXX theater with quarters to get the films started. Overall, a great time (for the lucky few hundred who got in), amusing movies with the added benefit of scantily-clad women add up what can best be described as a “bachelor party within a film festival.”
[ OFFICIAL SELECTIONS ] ^ Rock N’ Roll Frankenstein ^ Rock Opera ^ The Underground Comedy Movie ^ Operation Midnight Climax ^ Cannibal The Musical (Live!) ^ The Honky Stomp ^ How to Get A Head at Sundance ^ How to Get A Head in Hollywood ^ Master Penis Theater ^ Behind the Red Nose ^ The Brink Flashes ^ Heavy Shorts ^ 2001: A Disgrace Odyssey ^ Disinformation ^ Millennium Tour ^ Mondo Ford ^ A Movie ^ Whitney: Mama’s Little Baby ^ Kid Protocol ^ Spontaneous Human Combustion ^ The Hot Show ^ One Minute Burrito ^ Sunnie Paradise ^ Beach Bum Boxing ^ The Honky Stomp ^ Melvin and Sam ^ Bury the Bronto ^ True Stories of the Bible ^ Drug Bunny ^ Nice Pants ^ The Detective Kent Stryker One-Man Film ^ Space Sirens ^ Pacifier ^ Martini ^ Xtra Special Delivery ^ Joy Stick ^ Violent Midgets ^ Bug Eaters ^ Fruitcake ^ Baked Alaska ^ Gramaglia ^ Surfing as Sadhana ^ Further ^ Shut Up Little Man ^ Cornbread and Coyote ^ Butt Naked ^ Captain Jackson ^ Harry Potter Parking Lot ^Rise
Note to Filmmakers: If your film did not receive a review in our LapDance 2001 wrap up, please just send us a copy on video and we will be sure to get it covered on the site. ^ Your pals at Film Threat
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