The adult film industry was once famous for providing a steady career for trained, aspiring, out of work actors and actresses. The quality of the older porno films was of a high standard due to a small number of key elements; shooting on film weeded out the amateurs, performers were trained to act not just to copulate and the directors had a vision. As anyone interested would know, that all ended at the beginning of the video boom which hit heavily in the mid-eighties. The direction got sloppy as they soon just filmed endless video footage, eliminating the need for directorial vision and the performances got weaker and weaker as the adult film industry found itself less interested in plot and more interested in simple fornication. The new starlets come in by the truckload and most of them couldn’t act their way out of an audition for an extras role. Acting is not what it is about anymore, so it is fair to say that performers are right to not even care.
Somewhere in the middle of this porno ‘state of emergency’ rose one hot new talent in particular, back in the mid-nineties. Although Jacklyn Lick’s name might fool people into thinking that she is just a sex fiend, well, it is really quite the opposite and it just goes to show you, never judge a name by the way it sounds, otherwise rapper/actor Ice-T could become a refreshing beverage. Jacklyn Lick can act, and well I might add. She has spent many years doing ballet and dance which is an important step in performance. Her carnal career has allowed her to do sexual performance which is the ultimate type of method acting. Jacklyn wants to explore performance much more than just that, which is why she has studied acting for years now and wants to be all she can be and is. Her free spirit and pure mind, body and soul has taken her to great places in her life and career. She has the brains, face and body to take her to the limits of this wild and lavish place that we call the acting world. Jacklyn’s attitude just proves that dreams can be achieved on one’s own reasonable terms. To Jacklyn, performing comes second to being a good person and if you can juggle both in the palm of each hand you are well on your way. She rips apart the stereotype that porno stars are in their line of work because they are incapable of achieving anything else; proving that adult stars do have their heads screwed on. There are many misconceptions about the people within the porno industry and I think it is time that our society learned how to be less naïve about it and come to the realisation that it is after all only SEX! I now present the vastly talented, stunningly attractive and vivacious Jacklyn Lick…
Get the interview in part two of JACKLYN’S LICKS: SWIMMING UP MAINSTREAM>>>