I learned two things from “It’s A Shame About Ray” and it’s that regret is a real nasty bitch and that the afterlife is filled with a bunch of weird celebrities like Robert Forster and the guy that played Chainsaw in “Summer School”.
After kicking the bucket in his front yard, Ray is escorted to the offices of the afterlife by some sort of post-mortem civil servant played by Robert Forster. Upon achieving the pearly gates, or rather doors number one and two (you figure it out), it is discovered that his “information” is incomplete. So Ray is taken into a purely white, heavenly looking interrogation room where he is questioned about his life by a series of people, all with last names of famous people from the land of the living because they believe that will help the dead better adjust to being just that…dead. Such names used are Mr. Schwarzenegger and Mr. Scorsese.
While going through moments in his life, mostly of relationships with other women, it’s discovered that he had been neglecting his true soulmmate and it may be this wasted love that sends him through door number two.
Neglecting YOUR bedmate? Well, this entertaining and well-made short will make you think twice about that.