Hot Docs, North America’s largest documentary festival, will unleash its 10th annual edition in Toronto, Canada from April 25 to May 4, 2003. Documentary submissions for the festival’s CANADIAN SPECTRUM, INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASE, CYBERDOCS, NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT and “REALKIDS, REALTEENS” programs will be accepted on or before December 13, 2002. A final selection of approximately 120 documentaries will be presented in the festival’s 10th anniversary year. So if you want in, you gotta follow the rules!
Hot Docs showcases documentaries of all lengths and subject matters and accepts film, video and interactive formats. For its 2003 edition, the festival will introduce a new premieres-only policy whereby all films screened at the festival must be Toronto, Canadian or world premieres (i.e. must not have been publicly screened or broadcast in Toronto before the festival.)
In regards to this new policy, Hot Docs’ Co-Chair Louise Lore had this to say, “Over the past couple of years, Hot Docs has invested significant energy in securing premieres for its public screening programs so as to offer Toronto audiences the opportunity to see the freshest and most relevant works available – often for the first and only time. Since 2000, all of Hot Docs international selections have been Toronto premieres. In extending this policy to the Canadian Spectrum program, Hot Docs hopes to increase the stature and public visibility of its Canadian showcase, placing home grown documentary films on par with international productions.”
Visit the Hot Docs wesbite early September for more entry guidelines and entry forms.