Been spending more time in clubs than I normally do due (heh heh doo-doo) to the festival parties in Vegas and… I’m really getting annoyed by the hand-holding chains of 15 girls that walk through the clubs together in “Lady Trains.” I understand the need to do it, so that you don’t misplace your friends but… if you’re 21+, and you’re in a club and you misplace a friend… figure it out. Seriously, you’re old enough to be alone for the possible 5 minutes it would take to track down the person who was probably just in front of you. Do you really need to create this huge traffic stoppage / human chain?
It’d be one thing if it was a nature trip, and the ladies were zebras, and any break-off from the group got taken down by a lion or something but… not so. Even if you characterize a guy as a lion waiting for that stray, you ladies got the skills and the power to defend yourselves way better than a zebra would so…
F**k it, I don’t REALLY care. I just got impatient every time I tried to move in Jet at the Mirage party last night and was blocked by the next Lady Train in motion. Because I’m awesome, and should have the power to phase through people and walls, just like Kitty Pryde…