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By Film Threat Staff | June 7, 2004

Several months ago, filmmaker Memo Salazar was faced with an opportunity he couldn’t refuse. The ever controversial hip-hop act Public Enemy needed a video for their new song “Son of a Bush.” Being a friend of Chuck D, Robert Patton Spurill, director of the Miramax released “Squeeze” was contracted to produce said piece through his own production company Film Shack. Spurill then turned the gig over to Alex Archimbaud who in turn handed the job to Memo Salazar who was allowed to do whatever he wanted. But there was one small problem. Public Enemy would not be available for an appearance in the video. So with the help of Archimbaud, Memo put together a music video made up mostly of found footage with some original animation to round out the piece.
“Son of a Bush,” as you can probably tell from the title, criticizes the presidential Bushes and their warlike ways. But instead of helping PE spread their Bush slam like he had hoped to do, Memo found his video sat on due to legal problems over the nature of the material. “From what I’m told, they were afraid to release it due to fear of any repercussions,” says Salazar. I have no idea if that is or isn’t true, all I know is the DVD-single came out last summer and our video wasn’t on it.”
“After months of just sitting on the video, Spurill, being the executive producer, gave me the green light to make some of my own noise and release the video out to festivals and the like,” continues Salazar. A DVD release of the “Son of a Bush” video is a possibility for the near future. Until then, you can watch the video at the Fool Factory website.
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