Yeah! And it’s the ultimate “F**k You”, too! Scott Ludden’s short takes us on a trip through the desert as Paul drives to his parent’s house to make amends with his homophobic father. But along the way, Paul runs into a dwarf who he parties with, leading to some serious soul searching that finds the word “amends” taking on a whole new meaning.
Right out the gate, the first thing the viewer will come to realize is, this is a director who has seen “Natural Born Killers” and really, really enjoys it…because the influence shows through bright and clear. Everything from the Leonard Cohen song, to the trip through the desert, to the quick cutaways to bizarre, violent imagery, to the crooked camera angles, “F**k You Dad” screams NBK. But after the first few minutes, the film comes into its own twisted world and one can enjoy the short without thinking Mickey and Mallory would be jumping out from behind a cactus anytime soon. And this is one twisted little ride, as well as thoroughly entertaining and it pays off at the end without overstaying its welcome. In short, this is a good goddamn film, especially for those with an affinity for the eye candy.