As rumblings of a new Indiana Jones film kept coming and going faster than hope derived from the new “Star Wars” prequels, we fans bared the brunt of the suspense. Was Lucas involved? Would Spielberg direct? Who was going to be the love interest? Who would write the thing??
Finally the ducks seemed to get in a row with only one sticking point: George Lucas didn’t like the script. George “toy boy” Lucas didn’t like the script. This is the guy who’s writing pretty much decimated the prequels and he didn’t like the script. Looks like Lucas was on his way to raping another well intended and much anticipated project. Did we mention the script he disliked was done by none other than Frank Darabont? Well, it was.
Now Darabont has thrown some much deserved upper-cuts at Lucas for what Darabont considers “a waste of a year” working on the Indy 4 script. Go get ’em Frank!
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