Forrest J. Ackerman (aka “Forry” and “Mr. Science Fiction”) is recovering from “either a stroke or heart attack” at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Hollywood, CA.
Forry is making a slow but steady recovery, and fans are encouraged to send letters and cards (but no flowers). Fans and friends of Forry should send their gifts to:
Forrest J. Ackerman ^ c/o Kaiser Permanente Hospital ^ Building H, Room 474A ^ 4747 Sunset Blvd. ^ Hollywood, CA 90027
A friend, actress Julie Sands, reports in Locus Online that he is “paralyzed except for the ability to move his head.” Forry did, however, let Julie know that he was “able to see my cleavage very well.”
UPDATED 5/13/02! ^ Here’s the latest official word from the Forry camp, thanks to Joe Moe (who lives in the Ackermansion with 4E) and the message board at Scarletstreet.com:
Forry has been transferred to another hospital where his care is very good and his improvement is remarkable. In the course of the last two days, his energy level and focus has improved by 30% or more. The nurses there are very aware of who he is (one sawhim on TV last night, another has actually toured the Ackermansion with her kids) and are being very attentive and kind. I read many of your cards to Forry today (could only get through half the stack in one sitting) and they really, REALLY lifted Ack’s spirits noticeably. He is tougher than I would have been under all of these circumstances. I think the hardest thing for him has been the isolation at last hospital. Today, his neurosurgeon (who conducted the original procedures) stopped in while I was with Forry and was very optimistic. He said that before Forry’s battle with the recent infection, Forry was showing more progress than most people half his age. He also reassured us that this latest setback would not undo the progress Forry had made in physical rehab. The moment Forry’s in a private room, he’ll be able to have visitors again.
For everything and anything Forrest J. Ackerman, visit his must-see Wide Webbed World for news, photos, and tons of cool Forry history.
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